Electronic Cigarettes and Flying are becoming more and more popular.  They are becoming a leading choice as an alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. E-cigarettes are smokeless, odorless, and do not contain the harmful tar and carcinogens of a tobacco cigarette. Allowed where smoking cigarettes is not.  However, there are a few places that are not completely on board yet. Airports and the airlines are two such examples.


E-Cigarettes and Flying

Tgo-w-901-battery--eGo-cleaMillions of people have already made the switch to the e-cigarettes.  For whatever their personal reasons; health benefits, cost effectiveness, convenience, etc.  E-cigarettes and Flying are becoming more and more prominent in everyday situations.

When travelling by air, being able to vape, up until their departure time, puts many passengers more at ease. It saves time and relieves the stress of rushing back and forth from the designated “smoking areas”.  Which are usually far from the departure terminals.  Through long security check-points and lets face it…they’re usually pretty smelly. This is IF the airport even has a designated smoking area.

But not all airports are on-board with the idea of vaping in the terminals, general public areas etc.  Some airports still consider E Cigarettes as smoking. Check with the rules and regulations of your airport before whipping out your e-cig and relaxing. You don’t want to cause any added grief or delays to your travel plans.

Here are few more tips and guidelines, gathered from the TSA blog site.  TSA website and from frequent fliers, concerning E-Cigarettes and Flying:

E Liquids

* Where e cig liquids are concerned, there appears to be no issue, for travelling with nicotine e-liquids. Furthermore, TSA regulations must be followed as far as quantity. According to the TSA, each passenger is allowed a one quart-size zippier-top style baggie. That one quart bag may contain as many 3, 4 oz bottles, of liquid that the bag will hold. Remember…only one bag per passenger. Checkout the TSA website for further details if needed. Referred to as the 3-1-1 rule-of-thumb.

* When packing your carry-on luggage, separate your battery from your clearomizer/atomizer and keep them separate. This will discourage it looking like a suspicious or questionable device. If you should be questioned about your vaping device, at the security checkpoints.  You will be able to explain what it is avoiding suspicion and possible confiscation. If your e-cigarettes are in your check-in baggage, and suspicions are aroused by security checkers.  You will not be present and able to explain it away and you potentially risk having your items confiscated.  Without your knowledge.

E Cigarette Starter Kits

* Same guidelines for the e Cigarette starter kits you carry on your person. Keep the battery separate from the clearomizer/atomizer. Include it with yours keys, wallet, coins etc. for the security check-point x-ray machine. This helps shows that you have nothing to hide or conceal and, again. Therefore, you will be present to answer any questions they may have regarding your e-cigarette device.

* Once you are on-board, it is wise to avoid openly using your vaping device. I’ve spoken to many airline employees who state that they are not against people vaping on the airplane.  They are against the person 20 rows behind you panicking when they see a puff of vapor in the air.  Thinking something terrible has gone wrong. Most, therefore, do not allow it. Also, vapor CAN set off a smoke alarm just as regular tobacco smoke can. This can cause you great embarrassment and maybe a little bit of trouble as well. Therefore, our advice is just don’t do it.


* Here are a few things to remember about E-Cigarettes and Flying.  Always remember to check the rules on what your allowed to pack in your carry-on luggage.  E-cigarettes are allowed to be carried on board by some airlines.  As long as, it is in your baggage.  As well as, following  the TSA rules regarding the liquid you carry.   These things sometimes can change when you least expect it.

Following these helpful tips should help ensure that that you avoid any possible hassles, regarding E Cigarettes and Flying.  So travel, fly, follow the rules and enjoy!